Details: Customers Module
The Details tab displays key information about the customer.
The following fields are displayed on the Customer Details page:
ID/Name: Identifying fields for the customer. The Customer ID field is used to uniquely identify the customer. The Name field is typically more descriptive and does not need to be unique. The Customer ID and Name fields are both displayed in the Customer List.
Type: The type of customer, such as company, group, or individual customer. Type is a required field for customers.
Account: The internal account to which this customer is associated, if applicable.
Repair Center: The repair center to which this customer is associated, if applicable. Customers do not need to be associated with a particular repair center.
URL: The website for this customer.
Customer #: An additional field to list a customer number that is independent of the Maintenance Connection Customer ID.
Contact/Address/Phone/Fax: The name of the primary contact for the department, address, and phone information.
Status: A check box used to specify if the customer is active. Clear this check box if the customer is inactive to ensure that the customer does not show up in Customer lookups. The customer continues to be available in the Customer module list.
Currency/Budget: The currency and budget associated with this customer, which can be used for reporting.
Email: An email address for the customer which can be listed as a recipient for notifications in the Rules Manager.
Comments: A field that can be used to enter additional comments about the record. The View/Edit Text button
at the top-right of the field can be used to open a larger editing area.